VBRA Knox, since being established in 1979, has serviced games in the greater Knox area consistently and has been an instrumental part in the development of the sport in the community.
The Branch has continued to work in close cooperation with Knox Basketball to provide a service which is reliable and reflects the values of the sport and the association.
Today, VBRA Knox does not run on its own, and has many hard working individuals who ensure the branch runs in a professional and effective manner. President Daniel Battye, Vice President Sam Viergever, Secretary Brooke Kennedy and Treasurer Mitchell Nevin make up the executive committee and all put in continuous work to ensure the branches activities are functioning well. Additionally, newly appointed Referee Adviser Meaghan Sheehy does ongoing work to develop new referees and run courses for beginner members.
The branch also has a pivotal group of general committee and supervisors who participate on a weekly basis both on and off the court. Go to the meet the team section to understand their roles in the branch.
Since being established, the VBRA Knox branch has had many people who have been instrumental to our growth and success over the years. To view our Honour roll of all past executive and committee members, click here.

Life Members
Life Members are past and/or present members of the Branch whose contribution and achievements are worth the highest recognition. These actions range from founding activities and branch milestones, and also on court performance at a high level.
To see more information about our life members and their contributions, visit the Life members section under Meet the Team.
1980 Heather Kemp
1982 Fred Jago*
1986 Alice Jago*
1987 Keith Vaughan*
1990 Arthur Manton
1991 Bev Agombar*
1997 Niall Quinn
1997 Peter Williams
2000 Pat Vaughan
2003 Ron Sturgeon
2006 Stephen Cavanagh
2007 Ken Andrews
2007 Horst Eberius
2007 Chris Reid
2013 Anthony Aulsebrook*
2015 Rebecca Sturgeon
2017 Susanne Wilkinson
2018 Tony Hawke*
2018 Sean Gottliebsen
2019 Wendy Barned
2021 Graeme Wright*
2022 Steven Piatek
2023 Greg Hood
2023 Daniel Battye
2024 - Ian Knight
* - Deceased